Invest in your health

Live a long, healthy, and fulfilled life with our

100+ Longevity Membership

Rooted in Science, not Sensationalism.

25% of Americans at age 50

won't make it to age 75

It's not about fear,
it's about knowledge

and knowledge is actionable

9+ years of longevity care experience, 10,000+ clients

“Because the cancer was caught early, I was able to have the tumor removed without traditional surgery in a same-day, outpatient ablation procedure without the need for chemo and radiation. I can't thank the Human Longevity medical team enough for catching my kidney cancer early, when it could be easily treated."
Joe Nevin
Founder | ski for life
"I am thrilled beyond measure! I felt that something was wrong, and they found it!

Everything is first class.
My doctor has done a very thorough job, and I can’t speak highly enough of her.
All the procedures are very high-end - they have fabulous equipment too."
Barbara Hankey-Rogers
author | It's a no-grainer
"I'm certainly glad I went through the process - I feel I know more about my body at the moment, and I feel I know more about things I need to do to protect my body. I'm a huge, huge fan of the process. The earlier you find out about it, the earlier you can do things about it."
Cal Simmons
DC Chair | Tiger21
"I learned from the testing that my body [produced] an excess of glucose and insulin, and I'd wake up at 2:30, 3 o'clock every night... it has to do with how food is processed. This information helped me change [my diet], and I'm sleeping better as a result, which is an added plus I wasn't expecting."
Mark Kidd
CEO | Captivate

Unparalleled Expertise

Dr. J. Craig Venter

Co-founder and
Chief Scientific Advisor

A leading pioneer of the human genome sequencing effort, Dr. J. Craig Venter is one of the world’s preeminent experts on genomics.

0 k+

Whole genomes sequenced

One of the largest privately-held whole genome databases in the world

0 +

Scientific Publications

In peer-reviewed, high-impact, high-profile journals

0 +

Years Of Longitudinal Health Data

The longest-running modern longevity clinic



In the Bay Area, San Diego, and Beijing (partner site), with four additional locations coming soon

Backed by Science

Ranked Top 50 Biomedical Companies Globally by Nature Index

Scientific discovery is at the core of what we do, and no other longevity practice comes close to the level of research we carry out to understand our 3 billion DNA base pairs and their influence on our health and longevity.

We’ve published over 20 scientific papers in high-profile peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Genetics, PNAS, AJHG, Genome Medicine, and many others.

Read our breakthrough PNAS publication here.

Let us guide you on your longevity journey.

Get in touch
+1 (844) 838 - 3322

Our locations:

San Francisco
600 Gateway Blvd.
Suite 101
South San Francisco, CA 94080

San Diego
4570 Executive Drive
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121

Beijing (partner site)
Future Vision, Building E
Beiqi Future Science City
Beijing, China
Phone: 4000-899-866

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